Cyber Ritual Site

Abode of the Magenta Wizard


A Nonlocal Elemental Evocation Environment

Of The Convocation Webring



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Free Speech Absolutism

Your speech should be so free that it is uncomfortable even for yourself


Harmonious Context

For any job there is a correct tool and procedure, one should account for everything and resist the intertia of dogma, or following the "letter-of-the-law", in the context of our position in the universe there is a definite, higher, objective order, to adapt ourselves to this with fluidity and plasticity is a path towards mirroring Heaven on Earth, the forces that guide the stars in their course are the same that guide the hand of the inspired artist


The Resurrection of the Past's Future

Out with the New Old, in with the Old New!, We're Retrofuturist Individualist-Clique Utopia, NOT Jaded Corporate-Punk Atomized-Collective Dystopia!


Create before you Consume & Recycle

Our digital bodies, much like our physical ones, are on loan from incomprehensibly higher-order forces, if we are to respect and make proper use of what has been generously and freely given to us, we must make offerings of CONTENT to pay for the impact of our otherwise DEAD psychic weight, rather than dive into infinitely recursive echo-chambers of jpeg artifacted manifestations of other's questionable tastes and ideas and hyper-infinitely negative algorithmic tar-pit traps, let us burn with the fire of originality and pierce through the veil of memetic inertia enslaving mankind in patterns of doomed, hopeless, unoriginal thought!

click here to draw!